Your network of professionals dedicated to maternity.

A collaborative, evolving network dedicated to maternity, sorted by specialty, service and location. Professionals ready to follow and support you at every stage of your maternity - from the desire to have a baby to post-partum care.

Professionals recommended by the community, approved by MotherStories.

Do you have a good contact to share with the Mothers (-to be) community? Send it to us by e-mail.

Interested in joining the network? Click here for more information.

Support for Pregnancy, Parenthood and Children

Jammu space

Rue de l'Eglise 32 - 1955 St-Pierre de Clages
Accompaniment / Association / Center
Consultations/Workshops/Parent & child activities

Parents' School

Chemin du 23-Août 11 - 1205 Geneva
Center / Fertility
Specialized in fertility medicine

Ferti Geneva

Medical Centers & Imaging


Medical centers: Charmilles, Grand-Saconnex, Servette, Opale, Rue de Lausanne, Vevey / Imaging centers: Servette, Versoix

Positive Pole

Route de Frontenex 100 - 1208 Geneva
Accompaniment / Allaitement / Ateliers Maman et Bébé / Bien-être / Centre / Doula / Portage / Remise en forme / Rituels (futures) Mamans / Midwife / Sleep
Comprehensive pre & post partum care

Perinatal center | Midwives

Rue de Saint-Jean 30 - 1203 Geneva
Center / Fertility
Medical fertility center


Rue de la Vigie 5 - 1003 Lausanne
Perinatal & Conjugal Consultations

SIPE Monthey

Fédération valaisanne des centers SIPE
Rue du Pont 5 - 1870 Monthey
Natural therapies

La Clinique Naturelle

Rue Jean-Sénebier 20 - 1205 Geneva
Collective of independent midwives

Arcade Midwives

Boulevard Carl-Vogt 85 - 1205 Geneva
Accompaniment / Acupuncture / Center / Perinatal bereavement / Fertility / Haptonomy / Hypnosis / Nutrition / Osteopathy / Physiotherapy / Perineal rehabilitation

Perinatal & Family Center

Boulevard de Saint-Georges 72 - 1205 Geneva
Center / Fertility
Medical fertility center in Madrid


Calle del Tambre 8 - 28002 Madrid
Center / Fertility
Medical fertility center in Barcelona

Barcelona IVF

Edificio Planetarium
Calle Escoles Pies 103 - 08017 Barcelona
Perinatal & Conjugal Consultations

SIPE Martigny

Fédération valaisanne des centers SIPE
Rue du Grand-Verger 14 - 1920 Martigny
Perinatal & Conjugal Consultations


Fédération valaisanne des centers SIPE
Rue de l'Industrie 10 - 1950 Sion

Brazelton Center Switzerland

Hirslanden Clinique des Grangettes
Chemin des Grangettes 7 - 1224 Chêne-Bougeries