When you became a mother, you may have already asked yourself the following questions:
« Is my life as a mom compatible with my work life? Do I have the right to be ambitious? Mompreneuse, would it be the right compromise to reconcile family life and professional life ».
If so, you might be interested in this Talk!
In view of the exceptional circumstances we’re living in, we’re organizing this Talk in LIVE format. So no need for a babysitter, you stay at home with your glass of wine and you will have the opportunity to ask all your questions to our 3 great speakers:
- Malika
1 child
Full time Working Mom, working in bancking, find out more about her in our MotherStory - Nadia
1 child
Mompreneuse – Founder of LaGardeRobe.ch - Nuraim
2 children + pregnant
Stay-at-home Mom
We will also talk about each person’s situation during this confinement in order to know how they manage in their respective situations
Malika Nadia Nuraim
👩🏼👩🏻 Hosted by Elsa & Natalie
💻 Format: ZOOM (a link will be sent the day before)
⏱ 1h30 of Talk
💲 Free
🇫🇷 Will be held in French
To register, simply fill out the form below: