MothersTalk: All about the perineum

The perineum... You know that little muscular hammock that holds all our organs together, but which we don't dare or like to talk about. Take part in our next MothersTalk #live dedicated to this subject and let's finally lift the veil on the many (false) beliefs/taboos surrounding it.

Physiotherapist Clémence Feller, who specializes in pelvic floor rehabilitation, has accepted our invitation to talk to us about this invisible muscle. Clémence will explain everything! You'll be able to ask her any questions you may have, and she'll give you tips on how to (re) strengthen your pelvic floor, and how to avoid actions that weaken it.

Sarah, who has just had her second child, tested the Elvie pelvic trainer for MotherStories for 1 month. She will share her impressions and results with you. 

Don't wait any longer, register via the form below.


👩🏼👩🏻 Hosted by Elsa & Natalie
💻 Format : ZOOM (a link will be sent to you the day before)
⏱ 1h30 Talk
💲CHF 15.-
🇫🇷 The Talk will be given in French

Payment methods :


Number: 077 449 49 51
Mention: Perinee & "your name".


Holder: Elsa Gonzalez
Address: 1203 Genève
IBAN: CH59 0840 1000 0640 3962 5
Clearing number: 8401

To register, simply fill in the form below.

    First name *

    Name *

    E-mail *

    City *

    Date of birth *

    Stage of pregnancy : *

    I am not pregnantFirst trimester (0-3 months)Second trimester (4-6 months)Third quarter (7-9 months)

    Number of children : *


    Ask us your questions before the Talk. What topics would you like to discuss?
