Méli-Mélo Beans, Corn and Beetroot Salad

A perfect recipe for our pregnant women this summer!
Delicious, simple, quick, and healthy meal!

méli-mélo haricots & maïs
Lauriane Frichment – Nutri Family Coach

Ingredients (for 2 people):

  • 1 jar of organic cooked chickpeas (350g net)
  • 1 jar of organic cooked red kidney beans (350g net)
  • 1 jar of organic corn (340g net)
  • 1 organic red pepper
  • 2 larges organic cooked beetroots (peeled)
  • 1 organic avocado
  • A mixture of organic seeds (sunflower, sesame, pumpkin, chia…)
  • Olive oil/vinaigrette

Recipe :

  1. Preheat the oven at 180 degrees.
  2. Cut the pepper in two, deseed and peel it.
  3. Place in the oven for roughly 15 minutes.
  4. Drain and rinse the chickpeas and red kidney beans. Then place them in a large bowl.
  5. Drain the corn and add to the bowl, along with the chickpeas and kidney beans.
  6. Dice the peeled beetroots in small cubes and add to the bowl.
  7. Dice the avocado and add to the salad bowl.
  8. Once the pepper is cooked, dice it and add to the salad.
  9. Add seasoning and decorate your salad with the mixture of seeds.

Bon appétit ! 

Bon appétit !

Tip of the day: seeds are an excellent source of protein and fibre but also of vitamins and minerals. Sesame seeds are a great source of calcium and magnesium. Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E and selenium. Pumpkin seeds are rich in manganese and phosphorus. Chia seeds are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. The benefits are numerous.  Remember to add them daily, in small quantities, in your soups, on your salads or tartines, or just simply to nibble on them as a little snack.  


Lauriane Frichment
Coach en nutrition
Nutri Family Coach

Afin de vous préparer au mieux pour votre grossesse découvrez In order to prepare yourself as well as possible for your pregnancy discover the pregnancy articles in collaboration with Medisupport.