What is the postpartum or 4th trimester of pregnancy?

For the past few years, women have been revealing the true face of this very special period that is the postpartum. As rich and complex as pregnancy (with baby at the center of all the attention), the postpartum is rightly often called the fourth trimester and, yes, we can prepare ourselves to live it more Lire plus

How to get through perinatal loss?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), perinatal death concerns babies who die from the 22nd week of amenorrhea, or weighing at least 500 grams, until the 7th day of life. But what about those babies who passed before these 22 weeks? What about emotional support for bereaved parents in a society where the subject Lire plus

5 tips for tired mothers

Emilie, mother of 2 kids and independent yoga teacher gives us her advice to boost our energy at this emotionally and physically difficult end of the year! Close your eyes, take a deep breath and give yourself 5 minutes to read this article. Move your bodyAnd even 10 minutes will have a big impact on Lire plus

How to improve your fertility and get pregnant?

Facing the increasing number of unexplained cases of infertility and the repeated failures during MAP treatments stated in consultations, Virginie Terrier, nutritionist and micronutritionist, and Adva Grundman, fertility and MAP consultant, have decided to dedicate their time to searching for innovative, intelligent and effective solutions. Their work and findings are driven by their experiences, their Lire plus

Parenthood: one is not born a parent, one becomes one.

The birth of a baby is an unforgettable moment this new baby brings a new member to the family. However, this new family configuration can sometimes prove to be more complicated and less intuitive than expected. Don’t worry, you’re not born a parent, you become one! In this article, we introduce you to some educational Lire plus

Pediatric ward: a medical center for children by appointment!

It’s 6:30 pm when Magali finally gets home after a long day at work. She sends the nanny home who informs her that her daughter wasn’t feeling well today. Magali takes a bath and has dinner, but her daughter doesn’t really want to eat anything and looks sick. Magali takes her daughter’s temperature, 39°. She Lire plus

Elvie: a connected device dedicated to the rehabilitation of the perineum

The perineum is a small muscular hammock that holds all our organs, which we do not talk enough about. Today, we present you Elvie: a connected device dedicated to the rehabilitation of the perineum. It does not in any way replace sessions with a professional but it can be complementary. Sarah, gave birth to her Lire plus

Spread Joy: solidarity masks

Almost the end of the confinement with a mixed feeling between impatience and apprehension. As of today, it is a leap into the unknown for some of us. Will there be a new wave of contamination? Is it safe to put your child back in the nursery/ school or would it be better to keep Lire plus

What should we be grateful for?

It is already the first day of week 5. Looking back it might feel like it has been a long rollercoaster: we had good days and more challenging days, but most of all one main takeaway is that we are now stronger than ever. This week we wanted to take you through how we feel Lire plus

The impact of the confinement on our mental health.

After the third week of confinement, the fourth week begins and with it many questions. This is quite normal! A look back at the different stages of this long confinement and its impact on our mental health. Days 1 to 7 of lockdownIt’s the time we need to figure out what’s going on, take the Lire plus

The importance of taking some self-care time

The second week of confinement is over, the third week is starting and, let’s face it, it’s getting tough. There are better days than others, some the mood is positive, and some we feel down. This is perfectly normal, hence the importance of taking breaks. Moments of (real) relaxation where, for a moment, you take Lire plus

Arranging the baby’s room to improve his sleep

What’s better than a forced quarantine to do all those things that are usually at the very bottom of the list. Today, we would like to give you the opportunity to think about your interior design and the (positive) impact it can have on the well-being of the whole family. In addition, it can, and Lire plus

The benefits of sound therapy

Have you ever had a feeling of well-being or serenity while listening to music? Has it ever happened that you have recalled some memories thanks to certain sounds? Have you ever felt good or relaxed while listening to music? Do you sometimes perceive memories through certain sounds? After testing 4 sessions of sono-therapy with her Lire plus

Parental burnout or when a mother’s happiness leads to exhaustion

Becoming a mother brings great happiness! However, most of the time, the reality is far from the hopes ((we) had) during pregnancy: a cute and always smiling baby, sweet babbles as well as adorable little pajamas that stay completely clean… We have an idealistic and garbled vision of motherhood, which is often very far from Lire plus

Story: Filipa got pregnant despite aggressive breast cancer!

We end the 2019 stories’ saga with Filipa. Diagnosed at the age of 32 with triple negative breast cancer, Filipa fought like a champion and has been in complete remission for a year. She is now 39 years old, and has a healthy 4-year-old girl, when she was supposed to be sterile. Life is unpredictable Lire plus

Postpartum depression.

A perfect delivery and unconditional happiness, which all of you must have experienced as well…. Baby was 3 days old, and mom was ‘hit’ by baby blues... Lire plus

Termination of pregnancy at 22 weeks

The doctor arrives and starts looking at the ultrasound, listening to his colleague's explanations, and then starts explaining to us. Your baby is suffering from severe spine malformation. Lire plus

Le combat de Judy contre le cancer de sa fille Lily

Assez vite et en toute transparence, Judy s’est confiée. Depuis le mois de juin 2017, un cancer assez rare a été diagnostiqué chez Lily ce qui, du jour au lendemain, a fait basculer leur vie. Lire plus