Breastfeeding in public: defying taboos!

Dear Mothers, it's no exaggeration to say that breastfeeding in public can be a real adventure in itself! Many of us have experienced embarrassing and even disconcerting situations when feeding our little ones outside the family cocoon. In this article, we take a closer look at the challenges that mothers face on a daily basis, and reclaim the freedom to feed our children how we want, where we want and when we want.

©️JFJM - Geneva 2022

Breastfeeding in public, an OléOlé adventure... 

Intriguing glances
How many of us have felt that thrill when curious glances land on us while we're out in public? It's as if we've taken center stage, sometimes in spite of ourselves.

In search of the perfect place
Finding a comfortable and hygienic place to breastfeed is not always easy. Sometimes we become explorers in search of the perfect place to feed our babies.

Society's reactions
Oh, the disparaging comments and disapproving looks we've encountered! Society hasn't always understood that breastfeeding in public is a natural and healthy act.

Breaking taboos in style!

Let's claim it
By breaking the taboos surrounding breastfeeding in public, we make our voice and our pride heard. This can encourage other moms to do the same, bringing many health benefits.

Let's support
All mothers deserve support and understanding. By creating an environment conducive to breastfeeding in public, we show our solidarity with women who do their best to feed their little ones naturally.

At MotherStories, we've created the Family Corner concept, a nomadic changing and breastfeeding area designed to make life easier for parents, enabling them to take part serenely in private or public events (festivals, trade fairs, etc.). 

To date, we've taken part in several editions of the Street Food Festival & Noël au Jardin in Geneva. On Sunday 01.10, we'll be present at the Fête de la Courge in Corsier. 

Educate & Inspire
Our experiences as moms breastfeeding in public can educate and inspire other women. Let's share our stories to help society move towards a more respectful and understanding attitude towards breastfeeding moms.

Feeding our babies in public is an act of love and courage. By breaking down stereotypes and sharing our experiences, we're creating a world where all moms feel supported and respected. Join us in this adventure of breastfeeding in public, because together, we can change attitudes.