
We're convinced of the need to break the silence surrounding motherhood, and determined to lift taboos that shouldn't be taboos. By bearing witness, you are offering support and comfort to all women going through a similar ordeal without daring to talk about it. Thank you for them, thank you to you.

Testimony of Camille Séchaud

"I had a miscarriage on March 30/April 1, 2015.

I was 7 weeks pregnant when I started bleeding on a Sunday evening, painlessly but continuously, so I knew right away that it wasn't a good sign. I went to see my gynecologist on Monday evening, and then had 2 blood tests taken a few days apart to confirm the diagnosis. My doctor reassured me that I hadn't done anything wrong or that there was nothing wrong with me, but that 1 in 4 pregnancies ends in miscarriage. That there was a reason for this, that there must have been a defect, that nature was doing its job and that we should trust it. Fortunately, the whole thing ended without any medical intervention, I just had to take a few pills to help the uterus evacuate what had to be evacuated.

As I'd told very few people about my pregnancy, it was too painful to start talking about my grief. So I felt quite alone because I didn't know anyone who had been through it. On social networks, we only see perfect families and stories, we never see the other side of the story.

Fortunately, I was able to count on the support of my partner and also my sisters, who were there as always. I remember calling my older sister in tears once the diagnosis had been made. While I was waiting in the waiting room, another very pregnant woman arrived and I had to leave the room to let out my anger and cry. This woman couldn't help it, but seeing her like this was unbearable.

My cycle quickly returned to normal and I became pregnant again a few months later and 1 year later almost to the day I gave birth to my daughter.

I still have some after-effects because I had bleeding for a long time during my son's pregnancy. I took a long time to tell the people around me (apart from my family) because I really wanted to be sure that the baby would stay and develop normally. In a way, I protected myself.

Since then, a few people around me have told me about their miscarriage and I'm glad I was able to tell them that I'd been through the same thing and that yes, I too had felt very alone, sad, angry and even jealous of pregnant women...

Since then, I've had 2 wonderful children! But I'll never forget that my body carried 3 little lives, and that one of them had a different destiny.

For me, it's really important to respect those famous 3 months, because losing a baby, even at the embryonic stage, can be very painful!

Courage to you all."

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