Designing baby's bedroom to promote sleep

What could be better than an imposed quarantine to do all those things that are usually at the very bottom of our To Do List? Today, we'd like you to think about interior design and its positive impact on the well-being of the whole family. What's more, it can - and will - help solve baby's sleeping problems. Read more

Private vs. public schools: a sometimes difficult choice!

Following our call for witnesses, we received many testimonials from parents who, initially, had put their children in private schools thinking they would give them a better chance of success, but who ultimately changed their minds. On the other hand, we also received testimonials from parents who are fully satisfied with these institutions. Read more

Sarah & Benjamin's special Valentine's Day story

Valentine's Day, the holiday for lovers, is either celebrated or hated, but we at MotherStories have used it as a pretext to launch our first "Couple Story". The lucky couple in this new format are Sarah and Benjamin. Read more

Laetitia, blended family with 5 children

Let's meet in a pretty, lively house in the canton of Vaud, where Laetitia, Thierry and their 5 children live: Matteo, Paul, Lisa-Marie, Alicia, Louis and their super nanny, Lydie. A new-generation remake of the "7 à la maison" series. Read more

MotherBox: a changing and breastfeeding area.

The MotherBox is a changing and breastfeeding space designed to make life easier for parents, enabling them to take part in events such as the Geneva Street Food Festival or Christmas at the Bastions. Easily accessible with strollers. A cocooning space where you can change your baby, warm up his bottle or pot Read more

Julien, single father of 2

Welcome to the house of happiness. Here, there's only one unbreakable rule: have a smile on your face. Meet Julien, a proud father of two cherubs. Read more

Blaise, working dad of 2

Since its launch, MotherStories has been looking forward to this moment: the first Dad Interview marking the official launch of FatherStories. Read more

Judy's fight against her daughter lily's cancer

Fairly quickly and transparently, Judy confided in us. Since June 2017, Lily has been diagnosed with a rather rare cancer which, overnight, turned their lives upside down. Read more