How do you organize your return to work?

When you're on vacation, you don't really want to think about getting back to work, and I don't blame you. That said, it's the perfect time to talk about planning for the coming year, because we're more relaxed and have taken a step back from our daily lives. Whether you're preparing Read more

How to prepare for back-to-school

Entering the school system means becoming a self-reliant, sociable and self-reliant being. It's a normal stage in a child's development, but no less challenging for parents. Yes, baby is growing up! To help you prepare for this big day and make sure you don't forget anything, we've put together a few tips Read more

How to put an end to nocturnal enuresis?

Having addressed the subject of potty training in our previous article, we were keen to delve deeper into the subject of nocturnal enuresis. Indeed, after the age of 4-5, we no longer talk about toilet training, as it's considered that children should have acquired it by the time they start school for the first time. If this Read more

When and how should we talk to our children about potty training?

Baby is growing up. He's now 18 months, 2 years or 3 years old. He's walking, eating (almost) on his own, playing and becoming increasingly independent, but what about potty training and the introduction to the potty? This is a key stage in a child's development, and Read more

How can we involve children in the running of the house?

Children mean a lot of love, but also a lot of work at home. Everything gets dirty quicker, the cheni piles up, the laundry goes on and on with no end in sight. If we don't want to end up on our kneecaps every day, the little ones have to contribute. Beyond that, we Read more

Education: should you punish or reward?

Yes, we know, we should avoid threats and punishments. That's what all childcare professionals and parenting coaches rightly advocate. And yet, when you're pushed to the limit with your children (which happens quite regularly, let's face it), you're more likely to Read more

How do you deal with disputes between brothers and sisters?

Arguments. The pebble in every parent's shoe. We always want our children to get along well, to be accomplices, and we can get frustrated when things don't go as planned. And the shouting! If only it would stop. What do you do when your youngest child is always shouting at you ?

Family Story: at 3 months old, our baby was in intensive care for several weeks with bronchiolitis.

When Corinne and Hassan explained what had happened to their youngest daughter, it was obvious to us that we would share their story in the hope that it would be read by as many people as possible. At 3 months old, Layssa was rushed to hospital with severe bronchiolitis. She recovered after 10 days Read more

How do you welcome a new child into the family?

You're expecting a baby in a month's time. You're lucky enough to be the mother of 2 children who are becoming more independent and are even starting to play well together, giving you a few moments of respite. And now you're wondering why you've decided to risk the balance you've Read more

Hélène: mother of 3 boys

At MotherStories, we're all about pregnancy and the first few months with baby. Today, we have the opportunity to talk about the next stage, thanks to Hélène, mom of 3 boys aged 9, 11 and 13. How do you raise a sibling with a husband who has often been away for part of the year on business ?

Is the 2-year crisis (terrible two) really so terrible?

For some time now, your little baby has been chirping and proudly showing you what he can do, and he's learned a new word: "NO! At first, you thought it was cute: "That's great, he's asserting his character! Let's be honest, it's especially cute when it's Read more

How do you deal with the arrival of a new child in the family?

Children come and go, but they're never the same! When you've survived the arrival of your first child, you tell yourself that - on the strength of this experience - you're ready for the arrival of a new child that will definitively seal your status: with the first child you become a parent, with the second you become Read more

KeeKoo: Swiss diapers that are natural, healthy and eco-friendly.

KeeKoo is a young Swiss brand offering natural, healthy, eco-friendly and ultra-soft diapers for our babies' sensitive little bottoms. And best of all, they're delivered directly (and free of charge) to the home or address of your choice! What is Keekoo and how did the project come about? KeeKoo is the Read more

List of essential products for the arrival of baby.

The arrival of a baby is a huge emotional, physical and organizational upheaval for parents. You have to let go, trust yourself and let your instincts, and above all your baby, guide you. Are you stressed? It would be weird if you weren't (smile). Let us help you in your preparations with our list of must-have products for Read more

Sleep coaching: a way to improve family quality of life.

Is your child still not sleeping through the night? Is every evening a nightmare and you don't know what to do? Why not take advantage of this period of confinement when parents are more present to try and set up sleep coaching by following the invaluable advice of Valeria de Grandis, sleep specialist for children aged 0 to 5. Read more

How to find childcare: 10 questions to ask yourself.

Finding childcare is a source of stress for most young parents. Firstly, because it marks an important transition: it's one of the first times you'll be leaving your baby in someone else's care for most of the day. Whatever happens, your first day back Read more

Single mom: Laure's daily life.

Whether you're in a couple or on your own, raising a child is a daily challenge and a huge responsibility. We met Laure, a bubbly single mom of 2.5 years, who shares with us her daily life and her vision of motherhood. We're in awe! Laure, can you introduce yourself in a few words ?

Ideas for family activities this summer without leaving Switzerland.

Whether you're a part-time or full-time Working Mom on a tight schedule, or you're concerned about napping schedules, a well-deserved summer break is in order! Here are some ideas for family activities this summer that will help you recharge your batteries without even leaving Switzerland! Parks in Geneva On the Read more

Laetitia, her life as a mother with close-knit children

Laetitia left Switzerland in search of a better life and traveled to Asia for 2 years. It was an adventure that literally changed her life. In Thailand, she met Bell, her husband and the father of her two children, Lanna 2.5 and Siam 16 months. Laetitia talks openly to us about her pregnancies, her family and her life .

How do I find a babycare place in Geneva?

Or how to get involved in a real adventure labyrinth... Family organization requires a good knowledge of early childhood structures, coupled with a talent for balancing. That's it, baby's on his way for a 9-month journey, during which Mum will devote herself with love and wonder to preparing his cosy nest, Read more

Pediatric on-call: medical service for children by appointment!

It's 6.30pm when Magali finally arrives home after a long day at work. She frees the nanny, who warns her that her daughter is not feeling well today. Magali goes through bath and dinner, but her daughter doesn't want to eat anything. She really doesn't look well. Magali takes the temperature Read more

3 women, 3 mothers, 3 generations: 3 visions of motherhood and education. A special Mother's Day story.

To celebrate Mother's Day, we've decided to share with you not one but three stories! Those of 3 women, 3 mothers, 3 generations. Madeleine, 82, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Céline, 53, daughter and mother of Leslie, 31. When we say that motherhood is Read more

How to do a Marie Kondo-style Home Detox with the whole family?

Well, the deconfinement is underway. Three key dates are scheduled: April 27, May 11 and June 8. It's still a bit vague, but in any case, we're going to have to start conditioning ourselves mentally for the resumption. We don't know about you, but we were just getting used to Read more

How can we keep our children occupied during this exceptional confinement?

With the first week of confinement over, the second begins and life, strange and unfamiliar as it is, goes on. Let's try to see the positive in all this. The world is slowing down, offering us a unique opportunity to spend time with our loved ones and focus on the essentials. Read more