Support MotherStories: your community!

club de mamans

As you know, we've unfortunately had to cancel all our events and numerous collaborations with partners. This is a blow, as we were counting on it to continue developing MotherStories.

If you share MotherStories' values. If you think this project makes sense. If the content created and shared is useful to you. If you feel listened to and understood during our exchanges. If you want to continue reading stories and see the community, your community, grow, support us.


We have registered on the Covid Héros solidarity platform. You can make a donation or treat yourself by purchasing an Ilado Paris Bola or doudou, a Mamasté tshirt or an Eve & Rose skincare product.

We look forward to seeing you again when all this craziness is behind us, and to sharing the rest of this wonderful adventure with you.

Elsa & Natalie