The Christmas self-care wishlist for moms!

Remember how magical December was when we were little? Neighborhood houses lit up one after the other, towns put up their giant Christmas trees, we counted the number of sleeps before Santa arrived, and above all, we made our list! Often as long as your arm and completely unrealistic, but we didn't care - just making the list made us dream. But what if this year it was us, the moms, who made our list? Well, we deserve it, because frankly, December has lost some of its magic since the organization of the festivities fell upon us. So here's a Christmas wishlist idea for moms, with real bits of realism in it.

Mom lighting the candles on a Christmas cake

Noise-cancelling headphones - so you can still hear the kids, but a little less. Clearly the best invention since salted butter toffee.

Earplugs - so you can sleep an extra 10 minutes on Sunday morning without being woken up immediately by sibling arguments (they'll come and find you eventually, but 10 minutes is something, isn't it?).

An in-home chef or at least a meal delivery service - so you don't shudder when you hear the devil's phrase: "qu'est-c'qu'on maaaaaaange?".

A magic laundry basket - put your dirty laundry in it and it comes back washed and folded in the closet. Yes, it does exist, ask the kids, their laundry basket works exactly like that.

Affordable, flexible child care - so that everyone can get back to work in good conditions, without having to sell a kidney. We've already sold one when we had to change cars with the arrival of the third, and we'd like to keep the second.

A sleep simulator - yes, to win the game of "the first one awake is the one who gets up to look after baby on Sunday morning". Don't lie, we all play.

An invisibility cloak - just like in Harry Potter. Phew, Mom's there to keep an eye on you, but you can't see her, so you play quietly while she reads a book.

An anti-judgment shield - but wouldn't it be so nice if we could feed/raise/clothe our children without always being told we're doing too much or not enough?

A comforter just for us - now that's a gift, really put a 2-seater comforter on your list, it changes the way you sleep. The person who invented the 2-person comforter is a psychopath. What about the cold that gets into the middle of the comforter when you share it?

A society where women no longer do 50% more housework than men (FSO statistics), while being paid 18% less than men if they are salaried.

The end of children's songs like "baby-shark" and "libérée, délivrée " - because no, having them stuck in your head in the middle of a marketing meeting is a bit disturbing.

The abolition of noisy toys - no need to explain, I think if I set up a petition I'd have 100K signatures within the hour.

Confidence in myself - about my new physique, my life choices, the education I give my children, the decisions I have to make on a daily basis. I think that would be the best thing for Christmas.

And what would you add to this list?

Hélène Girard
Mom of three boys aged 10, 12 and 14

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