Chinese medicine: the benefits of acupuncture to boost male and female fertility.

There are many causes of infertility: lifestyle, environment, sperm quality or ovarian failure due to increasing age at conception. Did you know that the probability of becoming pregnant naturally within 1 year for a woman under 30 is around 75%, 62% between 31 and 35 and 20% after 35? Today, we'd like to talk to you about the benefits of alternative medicine, and acupuncture in particular, for boosting male and female fertility. We were lucky enough to meet the eminent Dr Hongguang Dong, a practitioner at the Centre de Médecine Intégrative de la Clinique Générale-Beaulieu, whom we asked our questions.

Woman lying down in the middle of an acupuncture session

Dr Dong, can you introduce yourself in a few words?
Originally from Shandong province, I studied medicine at Peking University, specializing in acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine, as well as reproductive medicine. In Switzerland, I began my career in 1996, at the HUG in the Department of Gynecology-Obstetrics, in the Reproductive Medicine Department where, in addition to consultations, I did research and clinical work. We had already set up the first integrative medicine center in a Swiss hospital. During this period, I obtained my medical degree from the University of Geneva in July 2004.

Why did you make fertility your specialty?
I've always wanted to be at the service of women's health. I was already working in the field of reproductive medicine in China when Professor Campana invited me to join his unit at the HUG in Geneva. I accepted and continued to specialize in all aspects of fertility.

Alternative medicine, including acupuncture, is very much in vogue. How do you explain this new craze?
People are now more concerned about the environment and ecology, with a return to nature and, ultimately, to gentler medication. Traditional Chinese medicine has been around for thousands of years and can be combined with Western medicine. Research is increasingly showing that alternative/integrative and allopathic medicines work very well together.

How can acupuncture boost fertility?
This is a big question, and the subject is vast. In Oriental medicine, the whole person is considered holistically. All aspects of the person are taken into account. When it comes to women's health, acupuncture is a real ally throughout her life! Polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, (pre)menstrual pain, irregular cycles and hormonal imbalances can all be relieved and regulated with acupuncture. During in vitro fertilization (IVF), acupuncture prepares the body and maximizes the chances of success by reducing stress, improving egg quality, promoting healthy endometrium and increasing blood flow to the uterus for better embryo receptivity. During pregnancy, it relieves many ailments (nausea, fatigue, hypertension, insomnia...), but also during childbirth and post-partum (pain management, emotions, breastfeeding, baby-blues...).

How many sessions are generally needed to achieve results, and how much time should be left between each session?
Patients generally have sessions 2x/week over several weeks, with 2/3 days between each session. But since everyone reacts differently to treatments, it's difficult to say how many sessions are needed to achieve results.

Which areas of the body are linked to the reproductive system?
Chinese medicine considers the human body as a whole. Certain organs and meridians are closely linked to human reproduction, including the Kidney, Liver, Ren Mai, Chong Mai, Du Mai and Dai Mai conception meridians. In addition to these meridians, we also select numerous points close to the pelvic area. However, as the treatment is based on the differentiation of syndromes and individualized treatment, the points we choose will differ from one person to another. 

Do you work closely with gynecologists and doctors?
Yes, of course. Having studied medicine at the University of Geneva and then worked at the HUG, I've had the opportunity to work with many colleagues. I work as much with gynecologists/obstetricians as with general practitioners and other specialists, who refer their patients to me when they feel it's necessary.

With no known fertility problems, can acupuncture help a woman get pregnant more quickly?
This is a difficult question to answer. I will say that acupuncture boosts many aspects of the reproductive system, so I think it can help a woman get pregnant perhaps more easily.

Can male infertility also be treated with acupuncture?
Yes! In general, when there is a problem of infertility, the couple is asked to come for a session. And we work on both women and men, for whom acupuncture can improve the quality and number of sperm needed for fertilization.

Do you have a memory of a patient or couple you have followed that has particularly marked you?
I have a memory of a childless patient with early menopause. She presented with hot flushes and amenorrhea. After follow-up, the hot flashes disappeared and she ovulated again. After insemination and acupuncture, she became pregnant! I also remember a lady who, after 16 years of treatment and 70 oocyte punctures, finally became pregnant when she had given up all hope. It takes a lot of courage, patience and hard work to achieve a happy outcome.

If you had any advice to give to future parents to reassure/support them in their desire to become parents?
It's said that children are one of the conditions for a happy family. If I had one piece of advice to give, it would be to start having children while you're still young! Unfortunately, from a social point of view, these days you have to study, often for a long time, then have a career, make a name for yourself, earn a good living, and then think about having children. And often, the energy is no longer the same, as age sets in and women's ovarian reserves diminish. IVF or MAP requires energy and a good physical condition, not to mention the financial aspect, which must not be overlooked. That's why, if you want to give yourself the best possible chance, you shouldn't wait to have children.

For more information on acupuncture and other therapies, please do not hesitate to contact the Centre de Médecine Intégrative directly. We will be happy to advise you according to your needs.

Dr med. Hongguang Dong
Acupuncture (TCM), Tai-Chi, Tui-Na/An-Mo Massage
Centre de Médecine intégrative
Av. Eugène-Pittard 34, 1206 Genève