MothersPrep: Childbirth preparation courses

Event in collaboration with Emilie Maccaferri.

If, a few months ago, you'd been told that you were going to be pregnant during a pandemic, would you have believed it? One thing's for sure: you'll remember! In order to cope with the cancelled birth preparation classes, and in response to your requests, MotherStories is offering you a live session thanks to our independent midwife Emilie.

She'll give you the basics of a standard childbirth preparation course, starting with WHEN to call the maternity hospital. Of course, we'll talk about the exceptional situation of COVID-19 and pregnancy, and answer any questions you may have.


👩🏻 Course led by Emilie and MotherStories
💻 Format: ZOOM (a link will be emailed to you the day before)
⏱ 1h: 20-30 min theory + 30 min Q&A
💲 CHF 25.- (via TWINT on 079 202 08 82)
👱‍♀️ Limited to 8 people. Places will be allocated in chronological order of registration
🇫🇷 The course will be given in French

Register using the form below

We look forward to participating with you in this virtual meeting. We're convinced it will provide you with answers and, above all, invaluable support at this very special time.

In the meantime, take care of yourself!

Elsa & Natalie

MothersPrep LIVE registration form

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